Monday, July 02, 2007

Still Alive

Hi, for those of you who were wondering if this blog still alive or not, well I've got news for you... This blog is still alive and kicking! I have been busy lately. Busy? That is not entirely true, the truth is I was on holiday. Galungan has passed, but Kuningan is still to come. Furthermore, I was busy setting up my internet cafe. This is a new business which I started with my wife. Hopefully it will be a success. To succeed I think we need to put a lot of energy in it and of course lots of prayers. So I am hoping my fellow bloggers will show some support and just leave comment in this post. By the way, the internet cafe has a blog also, you can find it here. It still needs a lot of improvement as I don't have enough time to complete it. Well, that's it for now just make sure to come by from time to time, maybe you can help me to solve some problems that may - definitely will - arise.


  1. @Anang & Cempluk, thanks for the support guys... yup sibuk nih belakangan ini, di cafe + kantor... wah bener2 capek deh, but I am enjoying it!

  2. internet cafe berarti lebih keren dari Warung Internet dong?

  3. aduh, goblognya gw. setelah ngasih komen tadi gw baru nyadar, lah wong blog ini dalam bahasa inggris, emang warnet dalam inglish ya internet cafe, sami mawon. gw ngebandingin Cafe dan Warung dalam terminologi bahasa Indonesia, maaf!

  4. @isnuansa_maharani: emang susah mencari padanan bahasa indonesia ke bahasa inggris, sebenarnya cafe dan warung kan gak sama yah... kalo cafe kesannya disini kan lebih mewah :D padahal kalo di luar negeri mungkin sama aja kayak warung... but thanks for the comment yah...
